Thursday, March 26, 2009

take care of your poo

and now for something completely different.

well, not really -- it's all connected.  today, we're gonna talk about our selves.  which we've been doing, i know. but really, today, it's all about our Selfs.  and taking care of our Selfs. 

know what i mean?

it's back to basics. keep your Self clean.  

this self-cleaning thing we cats do -- i know it can be a little mysterious and even a little gross at times.  but really, it is an auspicious thing. okay, maybe not the butt-licking -- hard to call that "auspicious".  and yet, if you think about it (not too hard, and maybe not in too much sensory detail), it is a pretty cool thing we do.  we can take care of our selfs.  totes.

now i'm not suggesting that you toss your soap in exchange for your tongue - that's just nasty. well, for you anyway.  i'm just saying -- you keep your Self clean. there's a lot out there to muddy us up.  cloudy our thoughts.  our bodies.  our Selfs.  we need to take the time every day to clean out the muckity muck.  i mean, think about it -- if i didn't bathe myself every day, pretty soon i'd be tough to recognize.  my gorgeous (if i do say so myself) fur would be matted, dull, drab.  i wouldn't be able to function as i usually do, what with stuff between my toes and gunk in my whiskers.  and, i daresay, i would smell (perish the thought).  i would not be me.  my self would be lost in the dirt and stank.  who i am would be buried beneath, well, the shit i am carrying around.  the stuff, the garbage, the baggage we carry around -- that we saddle our Selfs with -- it conceals who we really, REALLY are.  it keeps our true Selfs shrouded in poo.

and how sad is that.  when all it takes is a good cleaning.  regular cleanings, actually.  i mean, the more often i clean myself during the day, the less time it takes to un-muddy my self.  a clue -- take a little time often thru-out the day to un-muddy your Self.  check in with your Self -- are you shrouded in poo thoughts?  clean 'em up and get your fine Self out into the world.  there's work to do.  heights to scale.  games to play.  sunbeams to seek out. 

yes, tend to your poo.  that's another thing we cats do really really well.  am i right?  we don't try to hide it -- that's not what we're doing.  we're recognizing it, paying attention to it, and dealing with it. dealing with the smells.  am i getting too graphic in my metaphorical illuminations?

i'm just saying - keep your Self clean.  and do it often.  

your Self and the world will thank you for it.  not to mention it will make life a whole lot more pleasant.

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