Monday, April 6, 2009

new heights

it's my new favorite thing.

hanging out on top of the door.  not only is it a feat of great agility and balance (you thought that shawn johnson cutie was impressive at the olympics, just check out what i can do!), it's also a great vantage point.  i can see for miles and miles -- well, for square feet anyway.  

i love it up here.  i feel strong and powerful.  i also feel adventuresome and bold.  there's excitement combined with a healthy dose of nervousness.  i'm certainly proud of myself.  and i feel it's important to mark this new attained height with my lovely scent, so i sweetly rub my face on it.  i know - cute, right?  that way, you know i've been here and that i belong here.  that's not to say that this door belongs to me -- nah, that would just be silly.  but it is to say that i claim my position, my presence.  zulu was here!  zulu's been here and zulu can be here and zulu likes it here but just happens to be somewhere else just now.  i don't have to stay up here all the time to contend my ability to scale to and exist in these exalted heights.  i don't have to prove my worth.  it just is -- and made a little more fragrant with a genteel stroke of my head. 


and lest i forget to mention -- i cannot arrive at this place on my own.  i need help from those around me.  a boost.  a paw-hold.  support.  and, believe me, this is no small detail -- it is essential in my successful surmounting.  and, as we have discussed before, i shamelessly ask for that assistance.  i don't go to that place where i think "oh, they don't really want to help" or "i should be able to do this on my own" or "if i ask for help, i'll appear weak" or "i'll be such a bother if i ask" -- stop that nonsense!!  

start seeing the world in a different way.  we're all in this together (my humble apologies for the "high school musical" reference) - but it's true!  let's start acting like we are part of each other's lives -- that we're alive - here - now - together!!  and let's help each other out!  it's not easy getting up on top of that door.  it's a great place to be -- and woo-hoo that i have folks to help me out on my way up!  now i'm in a place where i can help them, give them a hand, inspire them, pull them up with me and support them if they want to try to make that leap to the chandelier. 

boldly go where you've never gone before and have always wanted to or been curious about. there are folks around that will help you get there, keep you company, marvel at your brilliance, welcome you back and encourage you further.  mark your presence in your life! let 'em know you're here.


and remember to smile and laugh -- you might get recorded along the way!!

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