Thursday, February 26, 2009


once again, i have been a bit remiss.  i shan't apologize for being absent for a while, as i have been about my business, taking care of myself and getting done what i've needed to get done.  i shall apologize if you have felt neglected -- for that, of course, is not my intention.  i ask for your understanding.  and, hey, there's something to be noted here.  to you, it appeared perhaps that i had forgotten about you.  the reality is that i have been busy.  it's that simple.  and yet the situation is also that complex.

so often we interpret things solely from our own understanding, without even considering other possibilities.  and, taken even further, our understanding is usually colored with actual MIS-understanding.  my friend won't respond to my pleas to throw the little mouse toy - and from my (mis)understanding, it's because she is mad at me or i did something to annoy her or she doesn't like me anymore or on & on & on.  when in fact, she's on the phone, in the middle of ground-breaking discoveries, asleep or on & on & on.  nothing at all to do with me.  now that can be frustrating and somewhat offensive -- WHAT??? you're NOT thinking about ME????  well, yes, in fact - this situation really has nothing to do with me.  dang it.  and it's a relief as well.  whew -- it has nothing to do with me.

make sense??

seeing a bigger picture.  but it's beyond that - considering a picture, a reality, that encompasses the unknown.  in a way, it gives you a nicer picture.  next time you are wont to assume the worst, try assuming the best -- just for fun.  i mean, really -- which is more fun -- deciding something didn't happen the way you wanted because a) you made a mess of it; or b) something better's taking its place.  they're both just assumptions, possibilities -- so why not choose the one that makes you smile?

that's what i think, anyway.  

life's short -- even with nine of 'em.  

choose the path that makes the journey more enjoyable.  you'll have a better time -- and probably, just probably, your trip will be loaded with good stuff!

later -

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