Monday, January 26, 2009

zulu ftw

yes, i'm a cat.

a bengal to be precise. which i like to be.
precise. i'm wise, just so you know. i mean, with 9 lives, wouldn't it make sense that i know what i'm doing?

listen up, check in here and i'll give you the secrets to living a good life. the secrets o' life (one of my fav songs by jt - i'll post it as soon as i can figure out how).

life = old hat. blogging = still pretty new.

but like i said, i'm wise, so it shouldn't take long.
trust me, you can learn from me. simple stuff. but really important stuff. it'll make your life better. you'll like it more. you'll get more out of it.

take it from me. i'm a cat.

ftw -

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