Tuesday, January 27, 2009

further introduction . . .

hi all! here i am - entry two. i wonder if i came across a little too forcefully on the first post. and i don't think i explained myself and my mission, my purpose for being here. chalk that up to my penchant for the mysterious. to clarify things, i added a little profile statement, made some adjustments. thanks for your patience as i journey along this bloggity-blog world.

so here is my deal. i am here for you. for YOU. i am going to impart the wisdom of the ages - my ages - about how to live a better life. a bigger life. a life where you get to take up space, make some noise, play often, rest often, be ready to go,
claim your place, and live for the win. which is what "ftw" stands for, if you didn't know.

don't worry. it'll be simple. it'll be fun. we're in this together. there will be pictures. and just like life, sometimes they may not be pretty. that's all relative, tho, isn't it. who's to say that the piece of toilet paper stuck to your shoe isn't wonderful?! i know for a fact that the sight of it will bring great joy to someone. and who wouldn't want to bring joy to someone? even if it means getting a little red in the face. life's bigger than that. you're bigger than that.

don't take yourself, your ups and downs, so seriously. just be in the world. define yourself by things like how many people you made smile today or how often you see beauty in the world, even if it's just looking out a window, or how you can be of service just by being good company -- rather than by the size of your paycheck, your career, the number of friends you have, or who has the grooviest kitty condo. you know what i'm talking about, don't you. i know you do. sometimes you just need to hear it from a cat.

ok, that's my intro to what we're embarking on here. and, yeah, there's an obvious pun with "em-bark-ing", but i'm just not going there. I have more important things to do. like lick my back paw.

blog ya later.

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